There are many ways to become involved at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish. One of them is through Ministries. Below is a list of our wonderful ministries we have to offer. If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries or have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 669-7444
and someone will be happy to help you.
Coffee and Pastries Group - Prepares coffee, and puts out juice and pastries after Sunday Masses from September through June.
Women's Guild- Promotes spiritual, social, and cultural events for women of the parish.
CYO Basketball - Open to girls in grades 3 -8 and boys in grades 3 - 12.
Fix-It Team - Minor repairs and clean-up for the elderly and handicapped in order tro maintain a safe healty home.
Knights of Columbus - A group of men who proactively share their faith by planning and hosting charitable events for the Parish, and actively participating in events supporting Catholic teachings.
Parish Nurse Program - Our Parish Nurse Program, sponsored by the Catholic Medical Center, holds blood pressure clinics, hearing screenings, flu clinics, Chair Exercises and nurse consultation to people over 18 years of age.
Youth Ministry - Social and community outreach programs for the youth of the parish in Junior and Senior High school.
Art & Environment - A team that decorates the Church to enhance liturgical celebrations, especially Easter, Christmas and sacramental celebrations.
Baptismal Bibs - Sews and embroiders bibs for babies being baptized.
Music Ministry - Plans and perform instrumental and vocal music to accompany Masses and liturgies, including Confirmation, First Eucharist, Weddings and Funerals.
RCIA - This ministry helps people who are interested in proactively pursuing the Catholic faith to realize their goal. This includes those who have received sacraments but not lived their Catholic faith, and those who are new to Catholicism.
St. Martha Guild - Teams that take turns cleaning the church weekly in preparation for our liturgies.
Greeters - Greeters are our cheerful helpers who hand you a misalette as you enter the Church and a bulletin as you leave. There is no training required, just a welcoming spirit.
Ushers - Greet and assist parisioners and help with the Sunday offering.
Vocation Committee - Actively encourages and prays for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Adult Altar Servers - Assist the priest at funerals.
Prayer Line - Prayer Line members pray daily with the specific intentions called in from parishioners These intentions are also rememberd at all of the masses throughout the week. The Prayer Line Ministry is always looking for new members to continue this ministry of prayer and reflection. Call the Parish Office for more information or to have someone added to the Prayer Line.
Married Couples Ministry - The marriage ministry meets once a month for potluck and discussion. If you are interested call Kristen Eby
at 603-494-9368
Women's Book Group - The women's book group provides a place to build community and connection and to share our lives and our faith. The group meets on select Thursday evenings throughout the year. For more information contact Michelle at 785-3062 or at [email protected].
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers - Altar Servers assists the Priest at Masses and liturgical celebrations.
Eucharistic Ministers - Distribute the Eucharist at Masses, liturgical celebrations, and homebound parish members.
Lectors - Read the Word at Masses and liturgical celebrations Click here for the Lector Roster